Bludueler Sights Giants

La amistad entre gigantes suele ser enorme.
El rostro de Vurten (izq) impide mostrar su expresión a quien lo mira de frente, de modo que es difícul interpretarle. Myk (der), por su lado, tiene un buen ojo para observar y comunicarse con su amigo. Y el Bludueler, disfruta del momento desde las distancias, desde su menor tamaño en los asuntos de gigantes.
Friendship between giants tends to be enormous.
Vurten's (left) face has a shape that covers his expression from who watches him face to face, making it helluva difficult to understand him. Myk (right), on the other hand, has a good eye to observe and communicate with his friend. And Bludueler enjoys the sight from the distance, from his smallness towards giants' concerns.
©RED, 2008

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